3M April Events
Posted on Apr. 16, 2019April has been a busy month in 3M. The students created Lenten art projects, prayed the Rosary with Mrs. Kolyak and enjoyed a visit with day old chicks. Thanks Mr. McLaughlin for sharing the awesome photos!
April has been a busy month in 3M. The students created Lenten art projects, prayed the Rosary with Mrs. Kolyak and enjoyed a visit with day old chicks. Thanks Mr. McLaughlin for sharing the awesome photos!
Students in Kindergarten through grade 6 enjoyed a number of activities during the Elementary Retreat which focussed on the theme "Love the Way." Chris Bray opened the day followed by teachers leading…
Students in Grades 6-12 will participate in the Student Vote today. Results will be published once they are available.
This year students have been doing a "journey" with Stations of the Cross. Each morning, students have been reading 2-3 stations over the announcements at the beginning of the day. On April 12th students…
Chris Bray will host the elementary retreat (K-6) on Monday, April 8. Students will be provided spaghetti lunch. Chris Bray is a full time travelling worship leader and speaker receiving multiple awards…
On April 10th, Canadian Paralympic Stephanie Dixon will be speaking to our Grades 1-6 students. Here's more about Stephanie: As a Paralympian for Team Canada, Stephanie Dixon competed in three Paralympics…
Congratulations to the Jr. Boys Green team who finished in 3rd place at CWAJHAA. A great finish to a LONG season!
The grade 6 classes went to the Alberta Legislature and although the MLAs were off campaigning they participated in a mock debate, had a tour of the building and watched a 4D movie on a 360 degree movie…
The St. Augustine School Council would like to honour each year, a staff member of our school that stands out. We have created the Heart & Soul of St. Augustine School Award and we are asking for your…
Primary students have been collecting spare change to support Development & Peace. Students are able to "purchase" food, clothing, medicine, bricks for a well and more for their Lent People. Thank you…
The Ponoka Youth Centre is conducting a survey to determine whether there is a need for child care before school. Please use the link below to access the survey. If you experience any issues please contact…
Grade 4/5 FNMI students went with Mrs. Newton to St Benedict in Leduc to share a presentation on First Nation history with their students.
Parent/Teacher Interviews on March 14th, 2019 are for Kindergarten through Grade 12. Appointments are required for K-6, book yours by calling 403-704-1155. Grade 7-12 teachers will be set up in the gym…
St. Augustine Curling team competed in the Wolf Creek Bonspiel held on March 7 in Lacombe. The team won the bronze medal and the 2 J banner. Curlers included Nathan Bendera, Alexavier Lim, David Kawahara,…
Grade 3M made pancakes for Fat Tuesday. They also paraded around the Primary School with their Mardi Gras masks and their homemade sound devices from their science unit on sound. Staff & students…
The SALT and LITE groups will be making pancakes for Shrove Tuesday on March 5th. The pancakes will be available in the foyer from 8:15 - 8:30 am. Donations are optional and will go towards supporting…
The 3M class enjoyed some hands on learning last week with Science in Motion and then Tipi talks led by Mrs. Newton.
Grade 1s recently celebrated 100 Days of School! Wow, were they busy! They made headbands, read poems and stories about 100, did math stations (building a structure with 100 paper cups, making a design…
Grade 9 students tried their hand at curling last week as part of their Phys. Ed class. This week's warmer weather has allowed classes to get outside and experience some cross-country skiing.
The Family Day Weekend saw eleven grade 9 & 10 students complete the Officiating Level 1 Clinic practical evaluation. The student are able to earn high school credit while completing the officiating…