Leaders of Tomorrow
Congratulations to our students who were recognized at St Augustine School on April 24, 2022. In the elementary category: Oscar Loveseth, William Bowie, Emily Simpson, Victoria Abolarin, Brooklyn Wynnychuk, Owen Deschiffart, Willa Loveseth, Erik Stewart, and Aliyah Aranda. In the junior category: Dylan Gartner, Alexa Janolan, Angelo Lance Salon Quinto, Caleb Schumacher and Hannah West. In the senior category: Xadrian Dracass, Ashley Fleck, Jaelyn Hodnefield, David Kawahara, Matthew Kawahara, Hailey Stubbington, Anzhel Salon-Trinidad, and Emitt York. A special congratulations to the winners of the senior award: Jodi Newton and Mason Svitich.