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Indigenous Studies Leadership Group

Honoring Youth Voice

The Resiliency Summit was held at Kananaskis on November 23 & 24. The summit is a two day gathering of Indigenous youth, educators and community members for the purpose of sharing activities, celebrating stories and practices regarding health, wellness, and resilience. Students and educators will learn and share with youth mentors, Elders, community members and researchers, experiencing various traditional, active and creative activities.

Students participated in sessions: Outdoor Traditional Games, Opportunities in Sport and the Blanket Exercise.

Traditional Aboriginal Games 

Lindsay Wright, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Alberta joined students for an RTI session on November 29. Lindsay came and taught us how to make Traditional Aboriginal Equipment; sling balls and Ring the Stick. Lindsay also shared her knowledge of traditional aboriginal games for our Leadership group to share with our youth.  The games in the resources link traditional culture and values to physical literacy and fundamental movement.

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