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St. Augustine School takes Gold at Cardboard Boat Races - NAIT

On Wednesday, January 31st, one junior high team and one senior high team represented St. Augustine School at the Skills Canada Alberta Cardboard Boat Challenge at NAIT in Edmonton.   Students from all over northern Alberta accepted the challenge of using science and teamwork to race cardboard boats across the water.

Each team was supplied with cardboard, duct tape, packing tape and measuring tools.  Teams had to construct a boat from these materials in 1 ½ hours or less.  Points were awarded for: design (blueprints from each team was submitted) and teamwork; speed across the pool and for a float test.  The float test involved three members floating in the boat, up to a maximum time of one minute. 

Our senior team’s boat, Titanic 2, was very sturdy and a work of art.  Like it’s predecessor the boat took on water and unfortunately sank, not reaching its destination.  Thus, our senior team’s competition was concluded.  Team members:  Judite Vold, Sydney Sinclair, Yael Witvoet, Anna Froese

Our junior team’s design was also solid, and nicely decorated.  Adam propelled our junior team’s boat, The Neon Lightning, very quickly across the pool.   The crew of The Neon Lightning also had a successful float test, reaching the maximum time of 1 minute.  All of their hard work paid off and our junior team took home the gold – first out of 41 junior teams.  Team members:  David Kawahara, Nathan Giles, Adam Hoag, Mathew Kawahara



Junior – Gold: from left to right:  David Kawahara, Nathan Giles, Adam Hoag, Mathew Kawahara

Junior – team: from left to right: Nathan Giles, Mathew Kawahara, David Kawahara, Adam Hoag

Junior – Adam: Adam Hoag racing Neon Lightning

Senior – from left to right: Judite Vold, Sydney Sinclair, Yael Witvoet, Anna Froese

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