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APEGA Science Olympics

One junior and one senior team represented ST. Augustine School at the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (AGEGA) Science Olympics this year. This event was held at the Red Deer College in the Learning Common room which was very open, bright and had a professional atmosphere – definitely conducive for this competition.  Students were given a series of problem-solving challenges that demonstrate the fun side of engineering and geoscience.  Students were then evaluated on teamwork, communication, problem solving and creativity. 

The challenges this year were effective to promote creativity and critical thinking.  For example, the “Run-off Rumble” junior high challenge involved creating a pathway for water diversion while preventing the erosion of slopes and “gold blocks” which were actually sugar cubes.  Students could “purchase” items such as clay or wire mesh to reinforce their structures.  The finished products for this event were very diverse in design and effectiveness. 

One of the senior team’s challenges involved creating a “Delayed Medicine Delivery” capsule.  Students had to figure out how to slowly deliver lemonade crystals into a bucket of basic water over a period of 10 minutes.  The pH was measured every 30 seconds.    If the delivery was effective, the pH of the water became acidic with a pH of 4 by the end of the 10-minute time frame.  If the delivery was not effective, the pH remained basic, or all of the lemonade was delivered at once, turning the water acidic too quickly.  Our senior team was close to winning this event.  Our senior team found the challenges harder than they expected, but really liked the critical thinking required.

An overall bronze, silver and gold medal were awarded in both the junior and senior high divisions.  While our teams did not take home any medals this year, both of them had a lot of fun and plan on attending this event again next year.  It would be great if we could fill the bus!

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