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Advent Message

“And Angels announced, “Into your darkness, God brings His Light.” (Luke 2)

How wonderful it is to enter the season of Advent! Peace, hope, love and joy - who couldn’t use more of that right now? As we begin our Advent journey of waiting and preparation, we turn to the Old Testament where stories of hope inspire, miracles awe, and our hearts open to the birth of Jesus. The story of The Jesse Tree is a wonderful way to dive into the season, the new church year, reflecting on the stories of humanity and hope. It is an exciting start to the next few weeks filled with light and anticipation. I, like many, am eager to have something to look forward to. What is that exactly? It is the anticipation of possibility - smiling eyes, joyful hellos and kind glances, generosity, laughter and compassion. Advent is a season to stretch our hearts. Now, more than ever, we are grateful for God’s gift of Jesus Christ and the ever present love of God. We wish for you the power of pause, so that the true spirit of the season is embodied in each moment. 

Blessings and prayers from all of us at St. Augustine,

Kari Davidson

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