Scholastic Book Fair!

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Scholastic Book Fair! We sold an incredible $7447.95 worth of books which brings over $3500.00 worth of books to the libraries and classrooms!
The winner of the Family Draw was Veronika in Mrs. Stones class. There were 251 Starbursts in the jar. We had a tie for the closest answer so a draw resulted in Cale in 3HM and Charlie in 702 being the chosen winners. The other near guessers will each receive a consolation prize. Poster draws go to: Lennon (gr. 4), Julianna (Kinder J), Max (2R), Sienna (2R), Jeri (Ms. McEntee), Halle (2D), Stockton (Ms. V.), Brycie (Ms. Rousseau), Kenzie (Ms. Svitich), Annabelle (Ms. Rousseau), Greyson (Kinder H), Cassidy (1K), Audrey (3HM), Hudson (2D), Hewitt (Ms. McEntee), Madison (4M), Addison (3HM), Kazi (Kinder H), Walker (Ms. Svitich), Esther (6H), Ben (5W), Clifford (5D), Selina (6H), Ryan (6R), Mia (Gr. 11), Olivia (5D), Eraryk (gr. 12), Rylan (6S), Abigail (Lorenz), Sierra (Prediger), Jessica (Cahill).
And LOTS of "Caught Reading" winners! Thank you again for supporting our Book Fair!