Stations of the Cross

The ECS to Grade 3 students experienced the Stations of the Cross on Thursday April 11th. The stations were set up in the gym for the entire day. All students were given a religious passport to fill out as they travelled to each of the 14 stations. The fourteen stations were manned by all the students from the 3M class. Students from the entire 3B class acted at hosts to small groups of students as they travelled around the stations. This personal approach to the Stations of the Cross was well received by students and teachers alike!
Grades 7-12 Students were taken on a Stations Journey this year. Starting on April 9th students read a station at the beginning of the day over the announcements. Each day, a different station was read with a reflection. On April 16th, Grade 7-12 students met in the gym to commemorate the last 3 stations. It was a very reverent gathering. Students entered in the dim-lit gym quietly, as a student played the piano. The last three stations were led by students from grades 9-11.
The grade 4-6 students watched grade 5R put on a presentation for Stations of the Cross this year. In a slide show, we re-enacted each station and asked the crowd to look at their heart. Personal reflections based off of Jesus's life were prompted to the crowd so that they could pray for those who matter to them.